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About the Prostate

The Basics

If you’ve come to this page, you obviously have an interest in your prostate.
You may just be curious, you might want to know where exactly your prostate is, you may know of someone with prostate problems, or indeed have them yourself.

Over the next few pages, we aim to give you as much information as we can on the prostate, to enable you to make any decisions you might need on what to do next. This information is not exhaustive, but what we aim to do is empower you to ask more questions if you need to.

What is the prostate? And where is it?

Roughly the size of a walnut and situated around the neck of the bladder, the prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system and is vital in the production of semen.

The tube through which the urine passes is called the urethra, which goes through the prostate gland.

If the prostate enlarges, then the urethra narrows and urination problems occur.

The prostate is also the centre for a bundle of sexual nerves, which is why prostate problems can cause impotence.

What can go wrong?

Although we are going to concentrate on prostate cancer, there are also several other problems that can occur with the prostate.

BPE (Benign Prostatic Enlargement) also known as BPH

BPE/Enlarged Prostate is relatively common in men over 65 and is characterised by reduced urinary flow, and a weaker urine stream. Click here for detailed information.


There are two types of bacterial Prostatitis, acute (sudden onset) and chronic (persistent). Click here for detailed information.

If you think you may be suffering from BPH or any other prostate problem then please do consult your Doctor as soon as possible, and don’t be nervous!

Cancer of the prostate

You have probably already visited several other sites with information on prostate cancer, and may well be feeling rather scared and depressed about it. Yes the statistics can be rather scary, and yes it is serious, but there is a lot that you can do to find out what you need to know and to help you decide whether you want to have a test to see if you are at risk of getting it, or to help you understand it if you have already been diagnosed.

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