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Active Surveillance

Many Doctors believe that if you have low-grade localised prostate cancer, the best form of action is active surveillance, as the side effects of treatment can be worse than any symptoms you may suffer.

Patients on active surveillance will have their PSA measured regularly; this will help determine if the cancer is slow-growing. They may never need their prostate cancer treated, just monitored.  If symptoms develop, your doctor will talk to you about treatment options available.

It is worth noting that more men die with prostate cancer than of prostate cancer, so being able to recognise those patients who never need treatment is very important, and this is why the Prostate Cancer Research Centre and other charities are funding research into better tests so we can distinguish those cancers that need treatment and those that don’t.

Note: I think that Active Surveillance (the route I am on)  means that you MUST do something. One cannot carry on as before with a diagnosis of cancer. There are critical Lifestyle changes to be made.

For further information, see this link: Treatments…

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