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The PCA3 test is a new type of test that may help to diagnose prostate cancer.
About PCA3

PCA3 is short for Prostate CAncer gene 3. Prostate cells have PCA3 genes that make the cell produce a small amount of a particular protein. Prostate cancer cells make much more of this protein than normal cells. When the level of PCA3 protein is high, it leaks into the urine.

Researchers have been checking whether they can use PCA3 protein to diagnose prostate cancer. The company who make the test have sent out a lot of publicity about it. But we don’t yet know precisely how well the test may work.
Research into PCA3

The early research into PCA3 looks quite promising. However, we need more research to find exactly how much PCA3 in the urine is a sign of prostate cancer. The PCA3 test isn’t yet accurate enough to be used independently as a prostate cancer test. It is more likely to be used, as well as a PSA test, to help your doctor decide whether you need a prostate biopsy.

A study in America in 2006 compared the PCA3 urine test with the PSA blood test to find out which was better at diagnosing prostate cancer. The PCA3 level in urine was more accurate at picking up prostate cancer than the PSA level in the blood.

In early 2007, Dutch researchers published the results of another trial. Doctors did PCA3 urine tests on men with raised PSA levels. The doctors found using both tests helped them to decide which men needed a prostate biopsy.
How do you have the PCA3 test

The test has two parts: a rectal examination and a urine test.

It would help if you had a rectal examination because this massages the prostate gland and helps the PCA3 to go into the urine. You then have to give the urine sample straight after the rectal examination, and you usually get the results within a few days.

The PCA3 test is unavailable through the NHS as it is still experimental. It is available in a few private hospitals and clinics. The cost is between £300 and £400. You could talk to your doctor about whether it is an option.

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